
Our Mission:

UNeMed fosters innovation, advances research, and engages entrepreneurs and industry to commercialize novel technologies.

The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska created UNeMed Corporation in 1991 as the technology transfer and commercialization leader for the University of Nebraska Medical Center. UNeMed now also works with inventors at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and Nebraska Medicine.

UNeMed primarily builds and develops partnerships with industrial leaders who can help push innovations beyond the laboratory and into the marketplace.

Advancing and commercializing biomedical technology can take many forms, whether it’s creating a new startup company, licensing with a massive multinational or helping secure sponsored research support. UNeMed uses every tool available and continues to seek or even create new ones to help build a happier and healthier world.

UNeMed's 2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

2023 Innovation Awards Program

2023 Awards Program

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