Pharmaceutical executive to speak at Innovation Week event

Innovation Week, News

Innovation Week 2014OMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 14, 2014)—Bridging the gap and building better relationships between university researchers, potential industrial partners and governmental agencies will be the topic of UNeMed’s Innovation Week seminar Tuesday, Oct. 21.

Toru Seo, PhD, will deliver a presentation entitled “Omnia Mutantur Nos Mutamur In Illis: What we can learn from Charles Darwin.” Translation: “All things change, and we change with them.”

“This famous Latin phrase,” Dr. Seo said via email, “nicely illustrates how we should be thinking.”

Toru Seo, PhDDr. Seo is the deputy general manager for licensing and business development at Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., LTD, which is based in Tokyo. The seminar will be held in Room 1004 in the Durham Research Center I at 10-11 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 21. A complimentary light snack will be provided.

“While an alliance of government, academia and industry has been in development for decades, the outcomes of this ‘consortium’ are not necessarily maximized to their full potential,” Dr. Seo said. “The aim of the lecture is not to evaluate the alliance in entirety, but to focus on how we can better leverage each party and to share some perspectives to better achieve an efficient and productive alliance based on my experience.”

Sponsored by UNeMed Corporation, the seminar is a part of Innovation Week, a series of events celebrating the innovation and research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Innovation Week begins Monday, Oct. 20 at 9 a.m. in the DRC-I atrium with an open house where visitors can register for a chance at a free iPad, and pick up a free UNeMed T-shirt and other goodies. UNeMed will also offer free beverages from Jo-On-The-Go.

Also on Tuesday, beginning at 3 p.m., UNeMed will host the UNMC Technology Demonstration Day in the DRC-I auditorium. Demo Day is a free and open event featuring 10-minute presentations about innovations developed by UNMC researchers. To attend, register at

Innovation Week culminates on Thursday, Oct. 23 with the UNMC Research Innovation Awards Ceremony and Reception beginning at 4 p.m. The awards ceremony will recognize the new inventions, patents and licensed technologies at UNMC over the previous year, and UNeMed will also present two special awards honoring an “Emerging Inventor” and the “Most Promising New Invention.”

The free iPad winner will also be announced during the ceremony, but the entrant must be present to win. To attend, register at

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